Laxative with softening additives

approval number: 060/R/12-S

Composition: Ol. ricini 300g, Ol. lini Tinct. Absinthi, Tinct. Calami, Tinct. chamomillae aa 16,66 g, Menthae piperinae aeth. ol. 0,04 g. Excipiens: Menthylum parahydroxibenzoas, Propylum parahydroxibenzoas, Antioxidatum (BHT), Methylcelulosum,  Polysorbatum 80, Aqua demineral. steril. ad 1000,0 ml. 

Animal species: Horses, dogs, ruminants, rabbits.

Characteristics: Oral emulsion of white to yellowish colour and bitter flavour with laxative, spasmolytic, gastric and carminative action used for gastrointestinal dysfunctions due to wrong nutrition. The preparation consists of two separate functional components (laxative and stomachic), which are balanced in their action. This complex microstructural emulsion allows a good compatibility with water.

Castor oil irritates mucosa and enhances peristaltic function and secretion of intestine. Flaxseed oil softens intestinal content, chamomille tincture and peppermint oil have phytospasmolytic effect. Combination of herbal extracts secure balancing effect. The composition of the combination of all plant extracts contained in the preparation ensures their mutually balanced effect. The product is suitable for primary gastrointestinal dysfunctions caused by faulty nutrition. Impaired digestive functions with subsequent constipation, primary and secondary bowel obstruction, foodborne intoxication, adjunct to systemic therapy of other diseases of the digestive system with concomitant constipation.


Peroral application into drink or mashed animal food. 


Horse, Cattle: 150 – 200 ml 2-4 times a day.

Sheeps: 75 ml 1-2 times a day.

Goats: 3 tablespoons 1-3 times a day, 

Dogs: 1 - 5 ml 1-2 times a day, 

Rabbits: 0.5 – 1.5 ml 1-2 times a day.

Withdrawal period: No withdrawal periods.

Warnings and Precautions: 

Shake before use!

Storage: The product should be stored at temperature up to 25°C, protected from the frost. Store out of the reach of children.

Package size: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 000ml.

Shelf life: 24 months. Once opened, use within 30 days.

Only for animals!

Without vet prescription.