Energy-iont oral preparation used for rehydration of livestock cubs with diarrheal infectious and nutritional diseases

Form of medicament: Oral yellowish powder for young livestock that supports rehydration in diarrhea caused by infectious and nutritional diseases. Composition: Effective substance: sodium citrate , sodium acetate, sodium propionate, sodium chlorate, kalium chlorate , glycine, dextrose. Excipiens: Sillica colloidalis anhydrica, sacharrine,betaninum (col.) Clinical information: Instant energetic-ionic powder drink for oral rehydration in diarrhea caused by infectious and nutritional diseases of young livestock. Veterinary product ideal for calves with diarrhea, dehydration, acidosis and loss of electrolytes. Dosing and way of application: One original pack (90 g) mix with 2 liters of 30-35⁰C warm water. It is used as a replacement of milk or instant milk replacer in the beginning of diarrheal disease. First 2 days apply twice a day. The other 2-3 days mix with milk or with milk replacer. In case of acute diarrhea use 3-4 times per day. Precautions: It is necessarry to use all sack until 24 hours after opening. In severe cases it is appropriate to combine the product with parenteral rehydration. Storage: The product should be stored at temperature not above 25°C,in dry place. Packaging: 90g, 900g in vacuum metallized sack. Only for animals. Without veterinary prescription.