Vasodilative, nootropic and geriatric preparation

approval number: 022/R/12-S

Composition: Extractum Ginko Bilobae siccum normatum 20 mg, Sacharrinum natricum, Glycerolum 85%, Propylénglykolum, Aqua purifficata ad 1ml. 

Animal species: Horses, dogs, cats, exotics.

Characteristics: Oral solution containing Ginco biloba which has a supportive effect in detected brain disorders and in the initial symptoms of dementia. A geriatric, nootropic and vasodilator, which has beneficial effects primarily on blood circulation and on the central nervous system.  

Ginco biloba is the basic ingredient of traditional east medicine. It has an effect on cardiovascular system and central nervous system. Usually used as support in brain damage diseases. It improves the brain function and helps with treatment of depression, dementia, fear, sight and hearing defect (especially in older animals). It improves the blood circulation in vascular diseases, wounds and decubits healing. It is general geriatricum, nootropicum and vasodilatans. 

Application: Peroral application directly into mouth with syringe or diluted into food / water. 


Pets: 2 x daily 0.5 ml of the product per 10 kg body weight for 6-12 weeks (One milliliter of product = approx. 25-26 drops).

Long-term treatment : half of the recommended dose. 

In the case of severe conditions, the dose can be doubled in the short term. 

The preparation can be administered directly or diluted in a small amount of drink or feed. 

Warnings and Precautions:

As it is a natural-based preparation, the appearance of sediment at the bottom does not devalue the value of the effect.

Shake before use!

Withdrawal period: No withdrawal period.

Storage: The product should be stored at temperature up to 25°C, protected from the light. Store out of the reach of children.

Package size: 10 ml, 25 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml.

Shelf life: 24 months in the original packaging. After opening the original package, use within 60 days.

Only for animals!

Without vet prescription.